Transfer Students
A non-resident student wishing to transfer into Chisum ISD must file an Application for Transfer and be approved each year. All transfers are subject to approval by the Superintendent on a space-available basis by grade, subject, program and campus. Records of all transfer applicants are reviewed for attendance, behavior and work habits. Students accepted in grades KG - 12 for transfer will be admitted tuition-free to all campuses in the District accepting transfer students.
Those who wish to transfer to Chisum ISD school year will need to complete the paperwork below. Please note that "Transfers new to the district will not be acted upon until the 3rd day of school." Please find the transfer policy, transfer application and discipline form that will need to be returned with the other forms listed at the bottom of the policy.
Transfer applications will be accepted starting March 4 at 7:15 AM at the Chisum Administration building.